- New York Stock exchange
- Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
New York Stock Exchange — Rechtsform Incorporated Gründung 17. Mai 1792 … Deutsch Wikipedia
New York Stock Exchange — (NYSE), Big Board, the Exchange USA New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Also known as the Big Board and the Exchange. The NYSE, the oldest and largest US securities exchange … Law dictionary
New York Stock Exchange — [ njuːjɔːk stɔk ɪks tʃeɪndʒ], Abkürzung NYSE [enwaɪes iː], zentrale Wertpapierbörse der USA und weltweit größte Börse (auch »Big Board« genannt). Häufig wird der Sitz an der Wall Street als Synonym für die NYSE verwendet. Ihre Entstehung geht… … Universal-Lexikon
New York Stock Exchange — This article is about the stock exchange. For its parent company, see NYSE Euronext. New York Stock Exchange … Wikipedia
New York Stock Exchange — La Bourse de New York en 2003 40°42′24.71″N … Wikipédia en Français
New York Stock Exchange — ( NYSE) Also known as the Big Board or The Exchange. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary website: www.nyse.com New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE) The largest and oldest Stock Exchange in the US, located on Wall Street in New York. Financial Services… … Financial and business terms
New York Stock Exchange — NYSE The main US stock exchange. It was founded in 1792 under the Buttonwood Agreement (the name of the tree under which 24 merchants agreed to give each other preference in their dealings); it moved to Wall Street in 1793. The New York Stock &… … Accounting dictionary
New York Stock Exchange — NYSE The main US stock exchange. It was founded in 1792 under the Buttonwood Agreement (the name of the tree under which 24 merchants agreed to give each other preference in their dealings); it moved to Wall Street in 1793. The New York Stock &… … Big dictionary of business and management
New York Stock Exchange — Sus antecedentes se remontan a 1792 cuando 24 comerciantes y coreedores de Nueva York firman el acuerdo conocido como el Buttonwood Agreement en cual establecen reglas para comerciar con acciones Creada en 1817 cuando un grupo de corredores de… … Enciclopedia Universal
New York Stock Exchange — New York Stock Ex|change, the NYSE the largest ↑stock exchange in the US, where ↑shares in companies are bought and sold. It is also called the Big Board , and its building is on ↑Wall Street in New York City. →↑Dow Jones Average … Dictionary of contemporary English
New York Stock Exchange - NYSE — A stock exchange based in New York City, which is considered the largest equities based exchange in the world based on total market capitalization of its listed securities. Formerly run as a private organization, the NYSE became a public entity… … Investment dictionary